Company News: 143 Communications Featured in Business Insider Story

143 Communications founders, Jamie LaDuca and Tess Darci, are proud to be among the women that started a business during the Covid-19 pandemic. After years of contemplating the idea of starting their own boutique PR agency, they decided to take the leap and launch their business in 2021 to help ease the challenge of balancing their work and home life. 

143 Communications was recently featured in a Business Insider article titled, “Female workers are powering America's entrepreneurship boom. It's not because they want to.” by Jennifer Ortakales Dawkins and Madison Hoff. The article states that America's entrepreneurship boom is driven by women who left the workforce and that women started businesses to regain control over the competing demands in their lives. 

This quote really says it all, “For moms like LaDuca, scaling her business is about more than her own success. It's one way she can set a good example for her daughter. ‘I'm hoping my business keeps growing, and my business partner and I are able to show our kids what you really can do on your own,’ she said.” 

Read the full article here


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